A passer-by’s photos and quick actions led to the arrest and conviction of Patrick Wall for burglary in Histon.

He searched a bedroom within the house. He left without taking anything from that room. A person walking by heard the alarm go off and saw Wall walk down the driveway afterward.
This passer-by took photos of Patrick Wall. Then, they followed him along Winders Lane, calling the police while doing so.
Wall drove off in a silver Ford Focus. Another man was near the car. That other man walked toward Cottenham Road, and the passer-by wrote down the car’s license plate.
Police found the Ford Focus in Harrow, London two days later and took it. A black jacket was inside the car; it looked like Wall’s in the photos.
Four days later, police arrested Wall at a house in Cambridge. He also broke into one house in June and tried to burgle another in August.
A court sentenced Wall on Wednesday to two years and four months in jail. He was guilty of one burglary and admitted to another burglary and attempted one, but he got no extra time for these.
A police officer thanked the passer-by because their photos and information helped convict Wall. The officer said the passer-by was brave. Burglary makes people feel unsafe at home, so it is great Wall is now in jail.