Woman receives suspended sentence for neglecting her Boxer dog, sparking public anger and debate over animal rights.

She went to court on March 11. Stephanie admitted mistreating the dog. Her lawyer said she had mental health issues. This was because of family deaths and the end of a relationship.
The court gave her a suspended jail sentence. She must do unpaid work and cannot own animals for six years.
Many people reacted online. One person, who moved homes but rehoused her dogs with good families, doesn’t understand the abuse.
Another person thought her sentence was too light, saying dogs are family. They give support during hard times, she added.
Someone else said providing food is a basic duty. Even with grief, she should’ve fed the dog or gotten help from a rescue or the RSPCA.
Another was angry about animal suffering. She wants long jail sentences and lifetime bans on owning pets. She thinks the justice system is weak.
One person can’t understand starving an animal, saying mental health is no excuse. Help was available from the RSPCA, she added.
Someone else agreed she should have called the RSPCA. They would have found the dog a new home, and she should never own animals again.