Police responded to ‘reports of concern’ at Angel Heights in Newcastle. A search found no one inside the derelict building.

The building is Angel Heights. It’s on Westgate Road. It opened way back in 1925. Nurses used to live there, working at a hospital. Later, it housed asylum seekers starting in the 2000s.
Now, it’s been empty for years. The building is falling apart more each year too. Someone wants to fix it up, approved last October. They want to make 57 flats, plus 12 duplexes.
The developer is called Jomast. They will construct twelve duplexes in back. People have vandalized the building before. People threw stuff from the windows last April.
Police showed up again Friday. They got reports of a person inside. Several police cars arrived. The Marine Unit showed up too.
Police searched Angel Heights on Friday. A police spokesperson spoke about it. They got a report about someone there. The search found nobody inside.
Police say trespassing is illegal. The building is dangerous. It could hurt someone badly.