Five defendants faced charges, including assault, drunk driving, breaching court orders, and violating a behaviour order.

Now 19, he admitted to the assault. He used to live in Meir, but his lawyer said they’ve had no contact since the incident. The punch was quite forceful, leaving her with a sore, bruised eye. There was prior drama with her daughter, though he wasn’t involved in that initially. He is now sorry for what he did.
The court gave Robinson a community order, requiring him to do rehab and unpaid work. He must also pay the victim £100, along with costs and a surcharge.
Olivia Toop drove drunk and flipped her car in Longport on September 19. She was over three times the legal limit. Police arrived at a car crash scene where the car hit a barrier after flipping, though it did not hit another car. She went to the hospital following the crash.
She blew 113, above the limit of 35. Toop admitted to drunk driving. Her lawyer said she had mental health issues. The court gave her a community order. She must pay a fine, costs, and a surcharge, and she will face a driving ban which could be reduced with a course.
Ashley Hardy broke a court order by contacting his ex, which he wasn’t allowed to do. The order began on May 25, 2023. He called her four times on April 5, using his new girlfriend’s phone. He said mean things, calling her names, and she felt scared he might hurt her.
Hardy denied breaking the order, but he lost at trial. His lawyer said he accepts the court’s decision. Hardy got a suspended prison sentence, and he needs courses and rehab. He must pay costs and a surcharge. He now has a restraining order that stops him from contacting his ex.
Vernon Karchutt, drunk, hit his daughter and her friend. He also broke his daughter’s phone. This happened after he got angry on January 29 last year. He denied the assaults, but he was found guilty in court.
His daughter and her friend were in his living room when he was drunk and shouting about her dating a Muslim. He punched her in the face, and when her friend tried to stop him, he hit her too. He grabbed the daughter’s throat before punching her. The friend was pregnant at the time of the assault.
His lawyer said alcohol caused his actions, and he’s ashamed of what happened. He just wants to move on. He got a suspended sentence, and he must attend courses, rehab and alcohol treatment. He needs to pay each victim compensation, plus costs, and he cannot contact his daughter for two years.
Hayley Bell broke a Criminal Behaviour Order twice. The order began December 20, 2022. She went into Poundland on September 21, and then she went to Costa Coffee on October 9. Both places were prohibited under the terms of the order.
Bell admitted to breaking the order twice. Her lawyer said she has many past crimes, but she now lives in stable housing and is working well with probation. She might get permanent housing soon, and drug use isn’t a problem now. The court fined her and made her pay a surcharge.