Police respond to concerns about red light runners in North Staffordshire. No new cameras are currently planned.

Only one red light camera is likely working now. It’s on King Street where it meets Sandy Lane. RAC says these cameras can catch red light runners; some cameras also catch speeding.
Gatsometer makes most of these cameras. Their ‘Gatso RLC 36’ model uses radar. It checks both speed and red lights. They are common where crashes happen, but rare here.
People wondered if Lime Kiln lights would get them when they upgraded the signals. Stoke-on-Trent City Council said no then.
People worried about Trentham Road speeders in Blurton. Councillor Beardmore asked for an area check and contacted the roads partnership.
The speed survey didn’t warrant action then. Beardmore said they would consider it given data. StokeonTrentLive asked the roads group about plans.
Dave Evans, a deputy commissioner and co-chairs SSRP, responded to the inquiry. He says new red light cameras are not planned now.
Evans said they are always reviewing safety. So they still may change their minds later on. However no specific action is imminent.
They upgraded many speed cameras before this. StokeonTrentLive reported twenty got faster tech. This made processing speed tickets quicker.
Key routes through Sneyd Green got upgrades. Also Trent Vale, Baddeley Green, and Hanley had improvements. The goal was safer roads and the camera on the A34 in Trent Vale was the busiest.
In their first year, three cameras caught 2,301 speeders. That camera caught 1,616 cars speeding. StokeonTrentLive reported these numbers.