A van driver and a homeless man are jailed for lying to police about a crash involving a police car in North Shields.

Lloyd Richardson hit a police car with his van on February 22, 2023. He then drove away from the scene. Police sent him a form asking who was driving.
Richardson asked a friend to handle it. Homeless Declan Munro agreed to help, saying he drove in exchange for money. He later confessed to the police after they arrested him.
The accident happened around 5:15 PM when Richardson’s van hit the parked police car. The police car suffered damage, including a broken light and dented bodywork.
Police found the van later in a car park. Richardson reported it stolen, claiming a mechanic was due to pick it up. The form sent to him came back with Munro’s name.
Munro admitted he signed the form for £100 after someone asked him to do it. Police identified Richardson from CCTV.
Richardson was not charged with dangerous or careless driving because the time limit to charge him had almost passed.
Richardson and Munro both admitted to perverting justice. Richardson received eight months in jail, and Munro received six months.
Richardson’s lawyer said he panicked after the crash and a friend offered to take care of things. Richardson now cares for his young son. Munro’s lawyer stated he was vulnerable and the £100 was too tempting. He immediately confessed to the police and is now clean from drugs and alcohol.