Rough sleeping more than doubled in the North East. Experts consider it is a record high and a crisis.

Around 124 people slept rough in the North East in autumn 2024. This number marks the highest since records began in 2010, showing a 39% increase from 2023. In 2022, only 61 people slept rough; Middlesbrough had 25, Newcastle had 21, County Durham reported 18, and Northumberland had 13. Other areas reported single-digit numbers.
Despite these increases, the North East has the fewest rough sleepers in England, both in total numbers and per capita. Nationally, about 4,667 people slept rough, representing a 20% rise in one year.
One charity leader described the situation as a national shame, saying the problem is at a crisis point and seeing more people who need help with more complex needs. The rough sleeping numbers may even be underestimated, as some people are sofa surfing or staying in cafes.
They blame underfunding, the sale of council houses, and a lack of new social housing, compounded by the cost of living crisis. Solving homelessness requires more than just housing; it needs support for trauma and addiction.
Anyone can become homeless, she said. A job loss or breakup can trigger it, so support networks matter. Even professionals like teachers can become homeless. Another charity leader called the situation devastating and finds it shameful that so many people sleep rough.
Data also shows a record high of children in temporary housing. In England, 164,040 children lived in temporary housing in September 2024, with 126,040 households residing in such housing – another record high. That’s a 16% increase in a year.
The North East had the fewest of these households in England, with 1,170, including 810 children. Fifty households with children lived in B&Bs, and twenty more lived in hostels.
A housing charity leader described the situation as unacceptable and believes the government can end homelessness. Without stability, in these spaces children lack adequate room for sleeping, playing, or homework. Families get uprooted suddenly as kids travel far to school and fall behind.
The charity leader believes social housing is the answer, providing people with the chance to succeed. She wants more investment in social housing, suggesting building 90,000 social rent homes yearly for ten years could end homelessness.
One political party called the homelessness data unacceptable, and said that the government must take urgent action. A spokesperson claimed they inherited this crisis and are investing in prevention services, allocating nearly £1 billion. They plan to double emergency funding to £60 million, helping councils to prevent evictions and reducing the number of people reaching crisis points. Finally, they plan to build 1.5 million new homes, including social and affordable homes, and stop no-fault evictions.