Seven individuals in the North East faced justice for supplying illegal drugs, with offenses spanning from Newcastle to Durham.

Here are some convicted since December 2024. Elliot Cook received a prison sentence. He was involved in ketamine and MDMA supply. Police searched Cook’s home in Newcastle on January 4, 2023. They found bags of drugs and cash.
The seized substance was ketamine, with a value of up to £1,280. Phone messages proved he was dealing drugs. Cook admitted his involvement in December, and the court sentenced him to 13 months.
Muhon Miah also received jail time for dealing drugs and hiding the money. Police found drugs and cash in a hotel and also searched his home in South Shields. The search revealed cocaine, cannabis, and cash.
The cash totaled almost £200,000. Miah admitted possessing cocaine to supply it and also concealing criminal property. The court jailed him for over eight years.
Peter Greenhill, a former salon owner, returned to dealing drugs during lockdown. Greenhill was jailed for ten years in 2024, and the court ordered him to repay £58,000. He has past convictions for drug supply.
Syed Hassan lived in Horden, County Durham, and led a fancy life due to dealing. Police arrested him first in 2020. Detectives investigated his criminal activities, which included moving drugs around the UK.
John Burrows sold Spice in Newcastle to an undercover police officer. Nine people got arrested in police raids. Burrows admitted supplying a class B drug and received a community order and a fine.
Anthony Hopper sold crack cocaine in Newcastle to an undercover officer several times in July. He also sold to groups in Exhibition Park. The court jailed Hopper for two and a half years.
Aaron Evans dealt Class A drugs at home, where he lived with his partner and kids. Police raided Evans’ house in 2022 and found stashes of cocaine inside. The court sentenced Evans to over three years in jail.