Mid Devon plants 172 trees following funding. Aiming to boost green spaces and biodiversity across five towns.

The council teamed up with Trees for Cities, a charity that improves urban areas. The Forestry Commission runs the tree fund, helping people get to nature in towns. The council got 80% of the money matched and will plant ten trees at sixteen sites in five different towns.
Planting trees has already started on council land. They expect to finish in March of this year.
A council member spoke about the trees, saying planting helps the environment and local wildlife. She expressed pride in adding new trees, which help biodiversity and create green areas for everyone to enjoy.
They planted trees before, getting money to plant sixty-six trees, including orchard and whip trees. This happened in the past two planting seasons, and the trees went to three different towns.
This project helps reach Devon’s goal for more tree cover soon. They want 16.5% cover by 2050.