Hundreds of homes will be built near the M4 in Cardiff after council approval, following noise and transport concerns.

The councilors had worries about the M4’s nearness and did a site visit because of the motorway. John Lancaster thought the noise would bother people, while Emma Reid-Jones mentioned possible air pollution problems.
Reid-Jones noted the land’s housing status, as the council’s plan marked it for building already. She hopes new residents will love the community and also had public transport concerns, as the local bus runs infrequently and Lisvane residents often need cars.
Conditions aim to reduce road noise for homes, and soundproofing might get used. Approval involves money for upgrades, including transport improvements by the developer.
Redrow Homes will pay money, with £100,000 for bus services and £190,000 for cycle and footpath work. Additionally, £360,000 will go to bus lane improvements. Michael Michael went on the Lisvane site visit.
Michael thought the noise was fine and stated house density was acceptable. He did not see problems stopping approval. The development has two parts.
The first phase has 61 homes and obtained full planning permission. The other phase includes 144 homes and got outline permission, meaning basic agreement; later applications will show final building details.