Six bungalows and one house planned for Todmorden with enhancements for local wildlife.

The plan includes using empty land near Eldon Street. If they get approval, a new road will reach the site. They changed an earlier plan for nine homes. Now, they want six bungalows and one house.
Mr. Scholfield, who lives close by, wants a detached house for his family. The family includes elderly relatives.
The plan changes the ground levels. They will build a wall with wire baskets full of rocks. This wall creates a rear garden and patio. The homes will look over the Rochdale Canal.
New plants will improve the natural area. They will plant many small, local trees. This boosts the area’s biodiversity. They mentioned improving woodlands and waterways. They plan birdhouses and bat boxes. “Hedgehog highways” and bushes will also help wildlife.
You can see the full application online. The reference number is 25/00123/FUL. Check it out on the council’s Planning Portal.