Fake parking signs saying “residents only” have popped up on Scholes Walk; nobody knows who installed them.

People think residents put them there because they’re probably annoyed by the parking situation. The council said it’s a prank, and they want whoever did this to take the signs down. Anyone can park there currently, they confirmed.
The signs are pretty high up, so someone needed a ladder to install them. Residents seem to be clueless about who did it. One guy walking his dog saw them and knew they were fake right away.
He thought it was pretty funny, actually, admitting that parking can be annoying. But he wouldn’t put up fake signs himself! A young resident thinks Prestwich is changing and that more cars are showing up lately on their street.
She says more people move from different areas, bringing more cars with them. She mentioned event parking from past festivals, suggesting maybe the prankster wanted the same thing.
An older guy would like real resident parking because he agrees parking is often difficult. He has no idea about the signs, though.