Mumbles is narrowing roads to enhance pedestrian safety and slow traffic. New projects focus on key junctions near shops.

One project narrows Queen’s Road and Langland Road, creating more space for pedestrians. Another change impacts Queen’s Road, Chapel St, Woodville Road, Gower Place, and other roads.
Councillors Francesca O’Brien, Will Thomas, and Angela O’Connor pushed for this project, which is delivered by Swansea Council. O’Brien stated that Mumbles will be more accessible and safer for residents and visitors.
O’Brien also spoke about Queen’s Road, noting that some drivers go the wrong way because the exit onto Langland Bay Road is wide. Narrowing the road might help fix this issue and reduce wrong turns.
She hopes traffic will slow down in this busy area of Mumbles, making it safer to cross the street. Narrow roads can naturally slow traffic, which is a desirable outcome, she says.
Residents wanted a wider pavement because a larger road section existed at that crossroads, and they desired the extra pavement for safety. Another Queen’s Road section may see changes, potentially funded by the council.
The traffic department is drawing up plans to make another Queen’s Road location safer. Raised crossings are coming to Mumbles Road, following the sea defense work, addressing frequent speeding complaints.