A mountain biker’s dramatic air ambulance rescue after a severe leg injury will be featured on Yorkshire Air 999.

He will be on Yorkshire Air 999, which airs on Really at 9pm. He broke his leg badly in the accident, and the air ambulance team helped him, near Skidby in Nut Wood.
Mike hit a hidden jump too fast and lost control of his bike. He flew over the handlebars, and his leg twisted awkwardly when he landed. The pain was immediate and very strong, and he couldn’t move at all.
His friends knew it was serious, and they quickly called 999 for help. The air ambulance came from Nostell, and the crew included a pilot and paramedics. They flew 36 miles to help Mike.
Mike admitted he was racing his friends and wanted to be at the front. He didn’t spot the jump in time, and he said the pain was awful when he landed, worse than anything before.
His foot was near his armpit, and he screamed if he tried to move. He was very cold and shivering, but felt safe when he heard the helicopter.
Trees made it hard to find him, so the air ambulance team contacted the 999 caller. They asked them to signal with phone lights, which helped the pilot find them.
The pilot landed in a wheat field close by, and the crew walked into the woods. They checked Mike’s injuries quickly, and his leg was clearly broken badly in a strange position.
One paramedic spoke about the injury and said it was a very bad break. The leg’s position showed how serious it was, and stabilizing him would take time, but they wanted Mike comfortable.
They gave him gas, air, and ketamine to manage the pain. They then carefully moved him to a stretcher, straightened and splinted his leg, and checked for any other injuries too. He was then put in a warm bag.
The team and his friends carried him to the helicopter from the woods. He was flown to Hull Royal Infirmary, and the flight took only three minutes.
Scans showed his femur broke in 15 places, and he needed a lot of surgery. Doctors said his leg may never heal fully, and he said his life has changed.
Mike can’t do what he loves now, and he especially misses cycling. He is back at work already and hopes to cycle again soon, maybe within a year.
The TV show shows the air ambulance’s work and how they save lives. This episode has other emergencies, including one woman who had brain bleeds, a biker who crashed with a van, and a man who fell off a ladder.