Claudia Kambanza’s mother shares her devastation after her daughter’s murder by her jealous boyfriend, who was sentenced to life in prison.

Mateus Johannes was jealous and thought Claudia saw other men and contacted them online. He stabbed her in the street in a brutal attack.
He attacked her at home first and then chased Claudia. He caught her and stabbed her twice early in the morning.
Johannes, age 29, admitted his crimes. He murdered Claudia and had a knife and the court jailed him for life.
Johannes must serve at least 23 and a half years. He spent 376 days in custody already which the court deducted. He’ll serve about 22 years, 170 days.
Louisa Kambanza read a statement explaining that Claudia held a special place in her heart. Claudia was one of her four children.
Claudia was more than a daughter. They shared many happy times and their bond meant everything to her.
Claudia was friendly and kind. She worked hard and was truly special and a loving family nurtured her spirit.
Her siblings feel her loss daily and the murder brought sorrow to the family. It created a hole in her mother’s life.
The family lost a beloved child and they will never see her again. Her thoughts are often sad lately.
She gets headaches thinking of Claudia’s last moments and she replays them in her mind. Finding peace feels hard.
She now feels incredibly lonely and unmotivated to live, missing her daughter very much. Her dream of being a grandmother shattered.
The family now faces deep trauma. They all struggle with sadness, facing the heartbreaking truth that she’s gone.
Living without her is almost impossible. Her voice is a memory now and the home feels completely different.
The family continues to struggle. It weighs heavily on their hearts, being that her heart broke completely.