Old motel transformed into 24 purpose built homes in Chelmsford to assist individuals facing homelessness with 24/7 support.

A charity named CHESS Homeless will manage these homes. They will offer 24/7 support to residents. Folks can learn skills, which helps them become independent again.
The old motel, near Chelmsford, is getting replaced. There will be twenty-four small homes. Each home is built to last sixty years; two people can live in each one. They have a kitchen and appliances. This gives residents a safe place where they can focus on finding permanent housing.
This project cost about three million pounds. Hill Group helps build and install these homes and also works on the site. There will be community spaces and workshops to help people rebuild their lives. They can gain the skills they need for independence.
The project should be done by March 2025. Some money comes from the government, and Chelmsford City Council also helps. CHESS wants to raise more money to install solar panels, which saves energy, lowering costs for residents.
Shelter said many people were homeless during Christmas. They estimate almost nine thousand people in Essex lacked a permanent home. Most lived in temporary housing with families and kids, while many people slept outdoors each night.
Allia Future Homes gave advice for this project. Local businesses showed amazing support too. Many offered their services for free, while others charged less to help. Everyone’s cooperation made this project possible, and they all worked quickly toward the same goal!