Eliza and Henrietta Huszti, missing since January 7, were found dead in the River Dee, Aberdeen. No suspicious circumstances.

The twins went missing last month. People reported them missing on January 7. A big search started then. They were 32 years old.
Someone saw them last near the River Dee. This was early on January 7. They walked from Market Street to Victoria Bridge. Then, they headed to a river path.
The police searched for weeks. Eventually, they stopped the river searches for a while. But they found the twins near where they vanished. This happened on January 31.
Police Scotland’s David Howieson spoke about it. He confirmed their names were Eliza and Henrietta. They are still figuring out how they died. They don’t think anything suspicious happened.
The police found the first body January 31. This was near Queen Elizabeth Bridge. It was around 7:55 AM. Later that day, they found another body. The second discovery occurred near Victoria Bridge. This happened around 9:05 PM. It’s further up the river.
Dive teams helped in the search. Coastguard search and rescue also helped. They came back after finding the first body. People left flowers by the river for them. They were part of a set of triplets. The girls were originally from Hungary. Someone made an online fundraiser for the family. It raised a lot of money.