Large street fight erupts in Wales. Eight arrested, four hospitalized after broad daylight clash.

Men were running at each other to fight. Some seemed to have weapons, and people got hurt. Four people went to the hospital after this brawl. Police arrested eight men quickly because of it. The fight also affected another town nearby.
Police came to the area right away to stop it all. One person was still in the hospital the next day. The eight men stayed in custody, too. Cops were on the main street talking to shop owners.
Local leaders said people felt worried after the fighting. A school was nearby when it occurred. Police say they’re looking into two street fights. The first happened in Blackwood, then another in Newbridge. They arrested the eight men quickly.
Apparently, there had been issues recently in town. Some people had felt unsafe before this brawl. The town council thinks this was a one-time thing.
They said it was not a part of the other problems lately. Still, they know people are worried about what all happened. The town wants everyone to feel safe. A politician said she was very upset by the fight. She thanked the police and ambulance for their quick work. She’s asking police for more facts about it.
Another local leader talked to the police about the incident. He wants them to be tough on the people involved. He asked them how they’ll stop this again.
Police need help to figure out what truly happened there. If you know anything, call the police and give them the log numbers.