A man was sentenced for attacking his wife, leaving her with severe injuries. He claimed self-defense during the trial.

Allan Harries, age 43, hurt his wife at home. This happened in Bridgend on March 9th last year. They argued at breakfast. He said she drank too much. She asked him to simply stop.
Harries went to her by the kitchen sink. He put his arm around her neck and held her in a headlock. Then, he threw her to the floor. He lifted his leg and stomped on her face.
Her head hit the floor very hard. She lost consciousness from this attack. She woke up on the floor and did not know if she could stand. She felt sick with blood on her face.
She stood up, and Harries held his head. He said, “What have I done? Are you okay?” She went to the toilet to be sick and rested on the sofa, feeling pain. He stayed until 9 pm.
She looked in the mirror after he left. Her face had swelling near her temple, and she could not open her right eye. Bruises went from her forehead down her neck. Dried blood covered her face.
She waited nine or ten days for medical care. She feared her husband and the impact on her kids. She lacked a phone because Harries did not allow it. Police learned about it at her work.
She worked at a primary school, and colleagues saw her and worried. She went to the hospital and had surgery. The surgery was for a lump from hardened blood.
Harries said his wife attacked him. He said she fell while attacking him. He pleaded guilty to causing grievous harm. He had four prior convictions that were dissimilar.
His lawyer said he served in the Navy and had deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan. He also went to Sierra Leone. The lawyer said he accepts it is over. He is “different” now and took courses in jail. Harries received a sentence of 27 months.