Fred Lamb, 42, jailed again for breaching order meant to protect homeless from exploitation in Peterborough.

Fred, age 42, received a slavery and trafficking risk order last October, as did his brothers, Lucas (36) and Joseph (35). He was arrested on Bridge Street Thursday morning after CCTV caught him sitting in a doorway there. He had just been released from prison, serving three days of a four-week term for the same offense.
He violated the order four times before, and police believe the brothers exploited homeless people. The order bans Fred and Lucas from Peterborough’s city center; Joseph also cannot enter the city center, except for pre-arranged medical appointments. A final court hearing is scheduled for March 4, with breaking the order risking five years in jail.
Fred appeared in court Friday and was sentenced to four weeks in prison. He admitted to breaking the slavery and trafficking order. Sergeant Steve Rose, with the City Centre NPT, says Fred has no regard for the law and was convicted of five offenses in a short time, stating that police will keep enforcing the order.
Slavery orders protect potential victims and prevent physical or psychological harm. The brothers threatened the vulnerable, with reports mentioning violence and demands for money. They pose a serious threat to homeless people’s safety.