A man was jailed after supplying ecstasy to a friend who died of an overdose in Birmingham.

Johnson, who was 22, collapsed at a Birmingham nightclub and passed away on October 26 of last year. Other people said he took three pills. His system also had ketamine in it, which someone else supplied.
The report found Johnson died from a fatal overdose. Kay wasn’t criminally responsible for his death, but Kay, age 20, received a two-year jail sentence at Birmingham Crown Court last month.
He admitted supplying a Class A drug and offered to supply a Class A drug via texts. He discussed illegal substances in those texts last May. West Midlands Police released Kay’s photo after arrest.
Kay’s lawyer said he felt broken after Johnson’s death and described Kay as a mess. He said this tragedy happens because of drugs.
Kay is improving while in custody and now hates drugs. Judge Kershaw said Kay lived in a dangerous drug world and criticized him for ignoring the health risks.
The judge said supplying drugs risks lives. Dealers don’t always know what’s in the drugs, what chemicals are inside, or the amount of MDMA. These drugs are not regulated.
The judge called it a very sad case and showed the terrible effect recreational drugs have, including MDMA and ecstasy. He said Kay’s pills caused Johnson’s death.
The judge told Kay he gave drugs to his friend, who then died from a drug overdose. He must live with that fact always.
The full inquest into Johnson’s death happens on March 20.