Homeowner in Stockton finds repeat offender with 135 convictions wearing his clothes. Burglar jailed.

He had left a window open earlier for fresh air. Collins waited for the police in the ground floor flat. Police found zopiclone on Collins. They also found the man’s stolen items. Police returned the property to its owner.
The man said he now worries about break-ins. He is handicapped and disabled. This event has damaged his mental health. He feels unsafe at home. He doesn’t feel he can open his window.
Collins appeared in court from prison. Judge Jonathan Carroll called him a “recidivist.” A report showed he does not want to change. Collins admitted to burglary and drug possession. He has 135 prior convictions covering 298 offenses. Many offenses involved theft. He has committed 25 burglaries before.
The judge stated Collins often commits crimes after release. He stated Collins might like prison. Michele Turner said Collins prefers prison in winter. It provides a roof for him.
The judge told Collins his victim is innocent. The man is vulnerable, now scared in his home. He is struggling to sleep. The judge wants to protect the public. He gave Collins the longest sentence possible. People would want Collins locked away forever. But, the judge said he wasn’t allowed.
Collins, from Stockton, was jailed for two years.