A truck driver died on the M6 after his broken-down vehicle was hit. The southbound section was closed for hours.

The car driver has leg and face injuries and is at Royal Stoke University Hospital. The crash happened around 9:55 PM between junctions 16 and 15; both sides of the road closed at first. The northbound side reopened at 12:20 AM, but the southbound side stayed shut for investigation.
Police are asking people to come forward, and officers support the trucker’s family now. Police say a Toyota Avensis hit a MAN truck that was broken down on the M6. The truck driver died at the scene, and his family is getting support while the car driver went to the hospital.
His injuries are serious, but not life-threatening. Police want to talk to anyone who saw it, including people with dashcam footage, as paramedics could not save the truck driver. Ambulances and doctors went to the scene and tried to help the truck driver, sadly, he died there. The car driver had serious injuries, and they took this person to the hospital quickly.
Two men were at the location, but the lorry driver was past help when they arrived, and they quickly knew he was dead. The car driver was hurt badly and went to the hospital with sirens on.
If you saw anything, call 101 and quote case number 783 from February 27. You can also email the police at ciu@staffordshire.police.uk.