A peculiar London tree, encircled by old gravestones for 150 years, fell but its legend as The Hardy Tree lives on.

The tree fell in December 2022 due to a fungal infection that had weakened it badly. Though gone, its story remains a curious London legend.
Old St Pancras Churchyard had almost ten thousand bodies buried there. In the 1860s, things changed because a railway needed to run through it.
Thomas Hardy worked as an architect for Arthur Blomfield in Covent Garden then. They moved graves for the Midland Railway.
Hardy moved many tombstones, which were stacked near a new ash. Roots later grew around the stones, creating a haunting sculpture.
It’s not certain who aligned the stones. Did Hardy arrange them himself? The tree honored his early London ties, so people named the tree after him.
The Hardy Tree collapsed in a storm. Camden Council stated the damage was too great after years of careful watching.
A new tree honors Hardy now, replacing the fallen one. The Thomas Hardy Society helped choose the new tree, which is a beech and reflects a Hardy novel.
The original tree is now gone, but its legend still lives on. The Hardy Tree reminds people of life and death.