Iconic London art, The Hop, seeks a new spot in Plymouth, near St Luke’s Church, brought by The Box art gallery.

The art is called “The Hop” by Jyll Bradley. It takes inspiration from Kent’s countryside and includes twelve tall “umbrella” shapes, each nearly four meters high. They use wood and colored plastic, allowing people to walk or sit among them. Wheelchairs and strollers easily fit through the spaces.
This art is part of a bigger show of Bradley’s work, running from April to November, both inside the church and at The Box. The art links city life to hop farms, creating a bright and interactive space.
People loved the sculpture in London, where it stayed up for a year at the Hayward Gallery. This is its first showing outside London, and the artist will change it for The Box. Bradley’s family has Plymouth roots, as her grandfather worked at the dockyard and as a firefighter during the Blitz. She spent childhood summers here.
She made art for Plymouth Museum back in 2007, focusing on local flower farms. The Box now owns that piece, and DAT Events and Brody Forbes help with the install.
The Box visitors can see it from several areas, including the welcome desk and cafes. Information boards will explain the art, and St Luke’s Church is part of The Box complex. The council owns and runs The Box, including the old museum, art gallery, and library.
The Box opened in September 2020, with a build cost of £46 million. Around one million people have already visited.