Plan proposes 550 homes, local center, and green spaces near Scunthorpe, part of a larger 6,000-home development project.

A plan asks for 550 homes, a local center, and landscaping. The land is east of the A1077(M), near Brumby Common Lane. Hargreaves Land Limited submitted this plan.
The plan includes a doctor’s office with a pharmacy. There is a small nursery planned too. Currently, the land is farmland of good quality.
Lincolnshire Lakes aims for 6,000 homes across six villages. This new plan is part of “village one” in the council’s plan. It has taken a long time to develop.
They want approval for the homes, landscaping, and drainage. They also want a new road from the M181/A1077(M) roundabout. A path for walkers to Scotter Road is planned and a pumping station is included as well.
Traffic will increase with the new development. Experts predict 7,200 daily trips. The calculation uses 550 homes and the local center size, factoring in space for food retail, the nursery, and surgery. The plan helps local wildlife, improving habitats by 16%. It creates areas for water voles, an endangered species.
This plan is not the only one for Lincolnshire Lakes. Several housing projects have been proposed, totaling 4,930 new homes, all at different planning stages.