County council advocates for a single authority in Leicestershire, excluding Leicester city and Rutland, citing efficiency.

District councils won’t be happy. They prefer two councils for Leicestershire. They think that keeps things local.
County leaders disagree, though. They say two councils cause problems. They would bring confusion and job competition.
Remember how the county wanted city border changes? They aren’t supporting that idea now. They used to agree with Leicester City Council. The city needed bigger borders for economy. It was also about meeting housing targets. But now, the county leader says no boundary change. She thinks it hurts county residents if it happens.
The government wants to shake up local councils. They want to merge county and district councils. One big council would result.
Leicestershire County Council hopes to win power. A single council could unlock more money. The council wanted to go faster with changes. That got rejected, so they have more time now instead.
They must submit an initial plan soon. The deadline is March 21st. The full plan needs submitting in November. The council is seeking public input now.