Playground reopening is delayed after a wall was mistakenly removed. Work is underway to rebuild it for safety.

The Gurdwara next door took down a park wall. Oops! The wall sat on land the city owns.
Now, the playground stays shut. They need to rebuild the wall first, so kids can play there when it’s safe. The city didn’t say how long it will take.
The council talked to the Gurdwara folks and they are helping fix the problem. They will rebuild the wall quickly, though the Gurdwara hasn’t commented yet.
The city said they learned about the wall coming down and met with the Gurdwara people on Monday. The Gurdwara admitted it was a mistake.
They agreed to rebuild the wall and will do it really soon. They are working well with the council and the city thinks it will all work out okay.
The playground is being fixed up right now. It will stay closed until they fix the wall, and the city says they know this is a bummer.
They wanted it done by February 14th, and will open it as soon as it is safe. The city will tell people what’s going on, and the local leaders will also know.