A Leeds man caught dealing drugs to pay for his uncle’s funeral after tripping while fleeing police.

It started with a traffic stop in Beeston. An officer signaled Pattison’s van to stop. Pattison panicked and sped off on Dewsbury Road early on January 26th this year.
The officer turned on lights and sirens. Pattison accelerated quickly, driving up to 85 mph in a 40 mph zone. He ran a red light, went the wrong way around a roundabout, and dangerously passed another car during the pursuit.
Another officer continued chasing him as Pattison drove into Cottingley at 50 mph in a 20 mph zone. Soon, smoke started coming from the van, as it struggled to keep going.
The chase ended at Dulverton Grove when Pattison jumped out without using the handbrake. The van then hit a parked car. He tripped while running from the police, allowing officers to arrest him.
Pattison had crack cocaine and cash on him. Police found more drugs in custody, where he had hidden 65 wraps of crack and 9 of heroin under his scrotum. The street value of these drugs totaled about £700.
Messages on Pattison’s phone pointed directly to drug sales, revealing he dealt drugs on instructions from someone else controlling the drug line. The messages also showed specific transaction locations.
He admitted to dangerous driving and drug possession at Leeds Magistrates’ Court. He also had prior convictions from when he was a juvenile for battery and possessing a blade.
A probation worker spoke about Pattison’s situation, explaining that his uncle’s death caused financial problems. The family couldn’t afford the funeral costs, and Pattison felt he had no other option but to sell drugs due to pressure.
He drove dangerously to avoid getting caught and claimed to understand drugs’ negative impact on society, expressing remorse for his actions. The probation worker also noted that he seemed naive and lacked maturity.
Judge Ray Singh sentenced Pattison to 28 months, emphasizing drug dealing is a very serious crime. He mentioned the misery caused by drug addiction and questioned using funeral costs as justification for Pattison’s actions.
The judge stated Pattison delivered drugs to users, handled the phone, messages, and cash, knowing the scale of the drug operation. Pattison was also banned from driving for three years and four months and must take an extended driving test after his ban is over.