A drunk man in Keighley threatened people with a knife. He was sentenced to 16 months in jail after the terrifying ordeal.

The incident happened on North Street. Liam Spillane threatened to kill the man. A woman bravely tried to stop Spillane. He is 25 and uses drugs.
Emily Hassell, the prosecutor, spoke about the event, which happened around 4 PM on January 4. The victims were near the European Food Store. Spillane approached them and started accusing.
The woman tried to calm Spillane down. He then pulled out a six-inch steak knife and told them, “You’ve got this coming to you.”
Spillane had a history of mental health problems. He waved the knife, scaring the man, who feared he would be stabbed. So, “He ran inside the shop,” Miss Hassell said, locking the door and calling the police.
Spillane was drunk and withdrawing from drugs, remaining angry and wanting the man outside. The woman grabbed for the knife when it was in his pocket. She fought with Spillane, and they fell down. The man left the shop to help her and punched Spillane in the face repeatedly.
Police arrested Spillane about two hours later. His hand was hurt, likely from the knife. He admitted making threats and common assault at his court appearance last month.
Recorder Abdul Iqbal KC sentenced Spillane to 16 months. Spillane caused serious alarm and distress, and the incident lasted for a long time. The judge stated Spillane threatened to kill them. Fortunately, no one was seriously hurt.
The judge said he posed a risk with the knife. He threatened two people with death in public, and there were no special reasons not to jail him.