Residents and a landowner are in a heated dispute involving access to a path. The decision is now with an inquiry.

Stephanie McMahon wants the path on an official map. She has lived there for 40 years. Cooper Estates Strategic Land objects to this, as they own land near the path and can drive vehicles on it.
The Secretary of State has all the documents sent by Kent County Council. Everyone now awaits the inquiry’s results, which occurred last month.
Stephanie McMahon asked the council to map the path which runs between Blackhurst Lane and Sandown Park. The law lets councils change the map if a path exists, but isn’t shown.
Cooper Estates says the path, starting on Blackhurst Lane and ending near number 79 Sandown Park, is 247 meters long. Their objection caused a public inquiry which took place on January 28.
Stephanie applied faster due to planning concerns since Cooper Estates wanted to build beside the path. She feared the path would be blocked, and worried about tree damage.
Councillor Hugo Pound supports the path, as it’s in his ward, and residents use it a lot. The A21 footbridge made it more popular by connecting it to Pembury Woods and the hospital.
The path leads to both the A21 footbridge and Sherwood Lake. Councillor Pound wants it open to all, and hopes this happens forever.
Cooper Estates’ lawyers mentioned vegetation that was abundant in 2023, but has since been removed. They think locals or the council did it, changing the look of the path.
This change happened after the map change request in November 2021, which Kent County Council considered in summer 2022.
Cooper Estates tried to find the path’s owner back in 2016. Morris Securities owned it, but dissolved in the 1960s, and they believe the Crown Estate now owns it.
Councillor Pound stated the path sees much use, is valued by locals for access, and helps people reach Tonbridge and Sherwood Lake.
Locals see the wide path, full of nature, as a community amenity that has always been there. Denying access would isolate residents, and Sandown Park would become a dead end.
The inquiry result date is unknown. The council says the inspector decides now, and it may take several weeks.