DNA analysis suggests Aaron Kosminski as Jack the Ripper, solving 130-year mystery.

This serial killer caused real fear back in London. He murdered women and messed with their bodies. The police and historians were stumped for ages because the crimes remained unsolved for so long.
An author named Russell Edwards bought a shawl at an auction back in 2007, many years ago. The shawl was found by a victim whose name was Catherine Eddowes.
He extracted DNA from the blood on that shawl. The DNA pointed to a man named Aaron Kosminski, so they think Kosminski was Jack the Ripper. It’s pretty wild, don’t you think?
Edwards got experts to double-check the DNA. Forensic scientists confirmed the match was solid, and news sources claim there is 100% confirmation that Kosminski’s DNA matched Eddowes’ shawl.
Kosminski was a Polish barber who moved to London when he was young, in his early twenties. He was 23 when those murders happened. Victims include Mary Ann Nichols and Annie Chapman, along with others.
Kosminski was a suspect during the original case, but he didn’t get caught back then, years ago. He later died in a mental institution in 1919, so he got away with it back then.
Edwards thinks Freemasons might have protected Kosminski. They were a very secret group back in the day, and allegedly they shielded him from police accusations, according to Edwards.
Kosminski’s relative helped solve the case after years. His brother’s great-great-granddaughter gave a DNA sample that matched the DNA on Eddowes’ shawl well, and her contribution was invaluable.
A relative of Catherine Eddowes wants some closure. Karen Miller is Eddowes’ great-great-great-granddaughter and she wants an inquest, hoping for some justice for the victims. Other relatives of the slain women agree.
Karen said they now have the needed proof and an inquest would legally name the killer. She says “Jack the Ripper” is too sensationalized, and people forget the actual victims as a result. She wants the real killer named legally.
Kosminski’s distant relatives also want an inquest. Amanda Poulos is his three-times great-niece and she is happy to finally uncover the truth. She wants to establish what really happened.
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