A ruthless Irish drug gang uses attractive women to collect debts door to door, earning them hundreds of thousands monthly.

They collect between €100 and €2,000 each visit. The women hold the money for the gang leaders. They hand over the cash at week’s end. One woman likely collected €200,000 to €300,000 monthly.
The gang is now led by a man in his late twenties. He lives in Alicante, Spain, these days. His friends often travel to visit.
He is wanted in Ireland for crimes, but Irish police haven’t issued an arrest warrant yet. The young boss was involved in the Drogheda feud. He fled after Keane Mulready-Woods’ murder. Robbie Lawlor killed him. Lawlor was later killed in Belfast.
Police say many women are in this gang. The women are reportedly attractive and like finer things. They seem motivated by money.
They collect drug money easily, going door-to-door. Payments happen smoothly with no problems. It’s all very polite and respectful.
A Garda source said it is like the old days when people had regular vendors visiting homes. Now, it is women collecting drug money instead.
These women don’t carry weapons or guards. People know not to harm them. Authorities think they collect €100 to €2,000 weekly.