Inquest begins for Jason Laws, 35, who died in a Benwell explosion. Police investigation is ongoing, trial set for May.

The blast killed Jason David Laws. Seven-year-old Archie York also died. It happened early on October 16, 2024, a little before 1 AM. The explosion ruined six flats on Violet Close.
Firefighters called it super tough. Over 100 people had to leave their homes. The court paused both inquests, Jason Laws’ and Archie York’s, awaiting the police investigation that happened last Friday. It all happened at Newcastle Coroners’ Court.
Police charged Reece Galbraith with manslaughter. Galbraith is 33 and lives in Gateshead. The charges are for two deaths. He’s also charged with cannabis production, accused of supplying cannabis too.
Galbraith said he’s not guilty of anything. He appeared in court in January, and his trial will start on May 12 at Newcastle Crown Court.