A humpback whale put on a spectacular display near Newquay, captivating viewers and photographers alike.

Adrian is from Wadebridge and saw the whale last Thursday near Watergate. He surveyed the coast on a boat as part of surveys run by the Cornwall Seal Group Research Trust. They study seals and other sea life, and they saw the whale two miles from shore.
Humpbacks have been around lately; Adrian saw one before from the shore. Seeing it from the water was more exciting. Their boat is WISE accredited, teaching people how to avoid disturbing wildlife. They stayed far away, used a long lens, and left the whale to feed.
They found another whale near Polly Joke at lunch, taking photos to identify it. Later, they saw the first whale again near Watergate Bay where it breached, showing its tail, blowing water, and slapping its fins.
The sea was rough, and the wind blew hard, making it hard to hold the camera steady. Adrian got some good photos that will help identify the whale, and he felt happy with the results.
People cheered when the whale jumped and guessed where it would reappear. The whale breached a dozen times, light faded as they left, and everyone on board was happy.
Someone saw the whale earlier this month as Marie Lepage filmed it off Bedruthan Steps. She said it gave a special show, having seen it a few times recently, and she first saw it before the new year.