Stores closing in Huddersfield. Councillor blames “natural churn,” dismissing crisis despite major retailers leaving.

A council meeting discussed Huddersfield’s town center, where some businesses recently left and others plan exits soon. BrewDog and KFC are already gone, and Next and Beaverbrooks will follow.
Councillor Cooper asked about plans for the “crisis.” Councillor Turner mentioned “natural churn” and cited investments like the Cultural Heart. He thinks Huddersfield is still “good.”
Cooper questioned the “natural churn” idea. Beaverbrooks is leaving after 90 years, and major retailers and pubs are closing weekly. He thinks this issue needs addressing.
Cooper worried about National Insurance, but Turner dismissed it because the changes aren’t active.
Turner visited Kingsgate recently. He feels it meets current needs, and that entertainment matters to younger people. He believes Kingsgate will help Huddersfield and cater to younger generations, and sees a fantastic future.
Councillor Hawkins said some stores are closing nationwide. He said there’s a general problem and it isn’t unique to Huddersfield. He hopes the wage increase helps.
Councillor Pattison affirmed the plan supports people. Community, the economy and businesses also matter, and they also support regional partners.
Pattison said they planned for changes, and that the Cultural Heart was forward-thinking. She feels they are “ahead of the game.”
She thinks people will be jealous soon and ask how Huddersfield succeeded. The town will offer a great center where people will live and be entertained. Shopping will still exist, though different.