A Gwynedd cocaine dealer avoids jail after his barrister cites inexcusable court delays. He received a suspended sentence.

The judge thought he could change and gave him a suspended jail term of two years for intending to supply cocaine.
The police searched his home on December 22, 2021. His home was in Pwllheli with his mom. They found cocaine worth £700 and cannabis worth £70. He was arrested and admitted to the cannabis offense. He denied selling cocaine initially.
Experts found evidence on his phone that he bought cocaine in large amounts. He sold small amounts of cocaine; one gram cost £100 and seven grams cost £510. He sold cocaine from October to December 2021.
His lawyer, Elen Owen, spoke about the delay, saying analyzing the phone took too long. She called the delay inexcusable for the court case and argued that the delay could factor into his sentence. He has been dealing with this case for a while. The lawyer asked the court to consider the delay.
He was only buying large amounts, then splitting it up to sell to about 15 friends. His lawyer said the dealing wasn’t extensive.
The lawyer continued, stating that Hartley is getting help, being treated for his anxiety, and has moved away from bad influences. He is painting and decorating in Rotherham.
Judge Nicola Jones said he sold cocaine on the street, mainly for his own drug habit. He admitted intending to supply cocaine and admitted to supplying both cocaine and cannabis.
Hartley must complete rehab activities. He lives on Spa Well Crescent in Rotherham and has to do 30 days of rehabilitation. He could face jail if he messes up.