Two men convicted of murder after fatally stabbing a 22 year old near a market and then ordering Guinness.

The killing took place near Surrey Street market. Stallholders were packing up for the day while cleaners were also arriving. It all happened around 6 PM on April 12th, according to reports.
CCTV showed the men near Fellmongers Yard. Siafa ran as the men chased him. Walcott and Mali emerged from the yard after the attack. Siafa had been fatally stabbed during the chase.
The men went to The Spread Eagle pub soon after. They bought three Guinnesses using a twenty-pound note. They left without finishing their drinks.
Emergency services tried to save Siafa, but he died at the scene around 6:28 PM. Police arrested Walcott later in south-west London. Mali left the country but got arrested at Gatwick upon return.
Walcott and Mali denied stabbing Siafa; however, the court found them guilty of murder, and Walcott had a blade. Sentencing will occur at the Old Bailey later. The third suspect is still not identified.
Judge Anuja Dhir spoke to Siafa’s family, recognizing their loss and pain. She commended their dignity during the trial. Watching the CCTV footage was difficult, and the judge hoped the trial brought them closure.
DCI Samantha Townsend shared her thoughts with Siafa’s loved ones. They relived his final moments during the trial. The defendants did not take responsibility, attacking Siafa viciously as a team, and he had no chance.