North Street site prepped for demolition. See inside shops like Rugmart before they are removed, brick by brick.

Rugmart and the Old Post Office will go, as will the DJ shop, Mobile Master, and Evapo. Workers gutted the shops, planning to pull them down slowly, taking them apart brick by brick.
North Street remains quite busy, and All Bar One is still open. For safety, builders will work slowly, wanting the road to stay open. The Post Office window sticks out; the nearby walkway might close.
Demolition starts the North Street project. The bus station will change in 2025, getting a makeover sometime next year.
The schedule needs more detail, but work should begin by December. This project adds 477 new homes, including forty-seven that will be affordable. A medical center is also planned; it includes a new town square, and the shop area will become a walkway used by pedestrians.