A Glasgow teen was followed by a group of men after ignoring them. She shares her fear, warning other women.

Abbi Downs, nineteen, was followed after work. It happened around eight PM on February 19. She walked toward Buchanan Bus Station. Men sat on benches in George Square. They shouted at her to come over. She ignored them and kept walking.
A man followed her from the square. He told her not to be afraid. Abbi decided to talk to him. He said he followed her for ignoring them. The group watched them from down the hill. The man had a Polish accent. He spoke broken English to Abbi. He asked her if he could talk to her more. Abbi kept walking. The entire group followed her.
Abbi became alarmed. She quickly headed for her bus. She often sees men with foreign accents staring. This time, she was actually followed. She feels scared walking alone at night. It’s happening more during the day now. Abbi shared another recent scary event.
Two men in a fancy car wanted her to get in. This happened while she walked on Queen Street. They were yelling out the car window. A stranger told her to keep walking. He validated her feelings of unease. She felt it was extremely strange to be invited into a vehicle.
She posted the video, warning women. Many women shared similar stories. Four friends had similar experiences. One woman was followed and attacked. Police couldn’t help due to lack of video. Abbi feels like no one is helping.
She thinks police will act if something worse happens. Many women report being followed in Glasgow. Some say they were also attacked lately. A woman was raped on Garscube Road on February 3. Police are still investigating that incident. This rape shook the entire city.
Being followed made Abbi change her habits. Now she knows to be very careful. She avoids using earphones while walking. She keeps her phone stored away. She pays close attention to her surroundings. Glasgow feels different than before. This is happening too frequently. It should not become normal.
She asks women to be cautious. Abbi worries about vulnerable younger girls. She wants authorities to take action. They should listen to the concerns of women.