ScotRail fares in Glasgow increase April 1. Key routes detailed with peak and off-peak prices. Season ticket discount remains.

New prices assume you buy return tickets. They also assume you travel during the day without discounts. Prices are based on a 3.8% rise.
Here are new Glasgow fares starting April 1st. Glasgow Queen Street to Edinburgh will be £32.59 during peak times. Off-peak, it costs £16.82. Queen Street to Stirling peaks at £18.12. Off-peak costs £10.80.
A trip from Queen Street to Falkirk High is £20.24 during peak hours. Off-peak travel is £14. Queen Street to Perth costs £35.19 in peak hours. Off-peak, it is £20.76. Queen Street to Dundee’s return fare is £49.62. A trip to Aberdeen costs £77.02 for a return. Going to Inverness will cost £144.70 round trip.
Glasgow Central to Ayr is £20.86 during peak times. Off-peak, it costs £13.90. Central to Paisley reaches £7.47 during peak times. Off-peak is £5.09. Central to Greenock is £14 at peak times. The off-peak price is £9.14.
From Central to Hamilton Central, peak is £9.23. Off-peak comes to £6.02. ScotRail will keep its 20% season ticket discount until late 2025. Flexipass offers twelve single trips, or six returns.
Flexipass now includes more stations. These are Exhibition Centre, Anderston, and Motherwell. Other stations are High Street, Charing Cross, Perth, Stirling, and Bathgate.
The Transport Secretary acknowledges fare increases are not great. Officials wanted to keep rail travel affordable. The government continues seeking ways to get people to use trains.
They are keeping the season ticket discount. They also expanded Flexipass locations. ScotRail seeks to attract more passengers too. They offer savings for existing rail users.