The council encourages staff to bike or walk to work through a new plan offering lessons and electric car leases.

They will offer bike riding lessons to staff. Workers can get cycle route info, and there are services like parking and showers. The council will also fix the shared bikes.
Glasgow continues to build cycle paths citywide, with plans to create 270 km of them. Walking groups will also start for staff, and information on walking routes is coming, too.
A car share program will be available. People can lease electric cars through work, with the cost coming from their salary. This is called a salary sacrifice scheme.
The council talked to staff about this plan. It should help cut car travel in the city, with a target of a 30% reduction. They aim to reach net zero by 2030. The council employs over 20,000 people.
The plan promotes sustainable travel and can help with the climate emergency. It supports staff in making positive changes, as small changes can improve health and well-being. These actions can also help the environment.
Changes to travel rules are coming. They will guide staff traveling for work. The council will present the plan soon, and it goes to a committee on wellbeing and culture.