Men broke into a Gateshead dealership, smashed a window and stole two vehicles. Police are investigating the incident.

Police went to a place on Stoneygate Close. This location is the Lookers Nissan dealership, near the Felling Bypass.
The men also damaged gates with a vehicle. Police are trying to figure out what happened and want to find the people who did it.
Police need your help with their investigation as they are trying to learn all the details.
Police got a report about a disturbance at a place on Stoneygate Close around 11 p.m. on Monday, February 17. Two men broke a window to get inside and then used a vehicle to damage some gates. They drove away in two stolen vehicles.
Police are working to learn more about the incident. They want to find the people involved in the raid.
If you know anything, please contact the police by sending a message on social media, using live chat, or submitting a crime form. You can also call them at 101 if needed, remembering to mention reference number 018821D/25. Visit the Northumbria Police website to contact them.