Two men are on trial for the murder of a homeless man in Gateshead; the alleged final act of abuse: pulling down his trousers.

Neil lived in a tent there. The attack occurred last August and he suffered terrible injuries, including kicks and stamps. Anthony O’Donnell and Craig Curry deny the murder.
Police found Neil’s body near Gateshead Library. He was lying face down in a pool of blood and someone had pulled his trousers down. He had injuries all over his face.
Paramedics found him with no heartbeat. His airway was blocked and he was declared dead at the scene. Neil knew O’Donnell, apparently.
O’Donnell and Curry had pitched tents near Neil a day or two before his death. Residents heard shouting in the park that night, but the noise stopped around 11 pm.
Prosecutors think the accused packed up their tents after hurting Neil badly. They believe the pair did that to allegedly distance themselves from the crime.
The court heard they went to Lobley Hill and pitched a tent together there. Police arrested them the next day. Curry told someone he had beaten a man.
The pathologist confirmed Neil died from injuries. He had head, face, and neck trauma. He also suffered fractured ribs and brain damage. Kicks and stamps caused the injuries.
Neil’s blood was on the trainers of both men. It looked like they kicked him on the ground. CCTV showed them leaving with a wheelie bin, carrying their belongings and a dog.
Prosecutors said they left Neil badly injured and someone pulled his trousers off. They did not call for help, but instead ran off. Curry admitted to the witness they avoided police.
Prosecutors think O’Donnell blames Curry, and vice versa. But the evidence suggests they both participated as they left together and sought no help. They both tried to avoid the consequences.
O’Donnell is 39, and Curry is 33. Both men have no permanent address. The trial is currently ongoing in court.