Flintshire council switches to collecting black bins every three weeks. Residents express anger and raise concerns about waste.

People proposed monthly collections earlier. Over 2,700 people signed a petition. They worried about overflowing bins and litter problems. The council made a compromise. Some residents still have concerns.
One Mold resident called it a “joke.” They said nobody asked for this change. Another resident also lives in Mold. They recycle a lot with their large family. Their bin is often already full. Are bigger bins coming?
The council analyzed black bin waste and found 58% could be recycled. The council believes this frees bin space, opening space for non-recyclable waste.
Residents can request extra recycling bags, but people say the bags tear easily. Improved containers would easily boost recycling. One woman asked about money saved. Will it buy recycling equipment?
Some residents feel they pay more for less and council tax might even increase soon. One resident noted fewer collections, dropping from twenty-six to seventeen per year. The cost will likely increase.
The council hopes for more recycling to reduce incineration and landfill waste. Residents think they’ll visit recycling centers more.
Saturday collections will also stop. Some residents will have new collection days. One woman warned about chaos. She thinks fly tipping could increase. Will they be more lenient with extra waste?
Flintshire Council knows many residents recycle. Recycling rates reached 62% already. The Welsh Government requires 70%. Not hitting the target means fines for the council. The change might only increase rates 4.5%. It falls short of the Welsh target.
Recycling pickups continue weekly. This includes food waste, paper and cardboard. They will also collect plastic, glass, and metal. Garden waste collection stays the same. Hygiene product pick up also stays.
Households get a letter with information. A calendar shows new collection dates, too. Residents in shared housing get separate updates. These changes will happen later. Landlords will get a notification.