Feral pigs are loose in the Highlands near Kingussie, suspected to be illegally released, causing concern among officials.

Park officials said the pigs were near Uath Lochans, by Kingussie. Staff and other groups are figuring things out. They want the facts about these pigs, you know? The Park says the pigs seem pretty tame.
It looks like someone illegally released them into the wild. The Park really doesn’t like when people do that. This happened after four lynx got caught last month. Someone illegally let them go near Kingussie. Sadly, one lynx died later on.
Scottish Land & Estates thinks this is reckless and wrong. They don’t think people care about the animals’ welfare. The lynx release had a tragic result; one died. They ask anyone with info to call Police Scotland. The number is 101, easy to remember.
Did you know there are many names for pig groups? “Litter,” “drift,” and “drove” name groups of piglets. “Parcel,” “passel,” “sounder,” and “team” refer to adult pigs. “Singular” is for groups of boars.
The zoo said those lynx were used to humans. They didn’t know how to live in the wild. People saw two lynx on January 8. They trapped them overnight. A few days later, they caught two more in Killiehuntly.