Illegally released feral pigs near Uath Lochans spark concern weeks after a similar lynx release. Investigation underway.

Park staff tried catching these pigs. They seemed sort of tame, actually. The park believes someone dumped them there illegally, which is what it looks like to them.
The Cairngorms folks posted on Facebook, saying they know about the feral pigs near Uath Lochans in the park.
The Park Authority works with NatureScot and Forestry and Land Scotland. They want to know all the facts first, so Forestry and Land Scotland is trapping the pigs.
The pigs look quite tame. Releasing them like this is likely illegal, and the park hates any illegal animal releases. They really don’t like this kind of thing.
Remember the lynx released last month? Three were let go illegally there. Sadly, one lynx died after capture. Scottish Land and Estates called it reckless.
SLE wants people with info to call the police. Ross Ewing, a director at Scottish Land and Estates, thinks this act is wrong and illegal. It hurts the animals and environment.
Ewing mentioned the dead lynx from last month and thinks these people don’t care about the harm, and may not consider the risks.
Ewing urges anyone with news to call Police Scotland at 101. NatureScot also knows about pigs near Insh and are aware of the situation.
Forestry and Land Scotland is trapping the pigs right now. NatureScot is talking with their partner groups. They want to figure out how this happened. Police Scotland also knows.
They asked Forestry and Land Scotland and Police Scotland for comments.