Family of Esra Uyrun, missing since 2011, urge police to examine unseen CCTV footage near her home. They believe it holds vital clues.

Her car turned up in a Bray car park, located in County Wicklow. Her license and a €50 note were in the car. Police tried improving video of the car, hoping to find the driver. Experts in London also tried, but it did not work well enough.
Esra’s family says there is more video from near her home that they believe police have not viewed. Esra’s sister, Berna Fidan, visits Ireland soon and makes an appeal for information each year. This is the 14th anniversary.
Berna will meet with police leaders. She wants them to view all the video, believing something happened near Esra’s home. It happened right after Esra left, and she feels it is really important to check.
Berna offered to help, using her own time to check the videos herself. She would work with police to follow the rules. She is sure some video has not been viewed, specifically some near Esra’s house and by the DART crossing, which her car had to pass.
Berna is determined to find answers. She told police about this before, but received excuses about time and staff. She said this is their best hope now.
If you know anything, call the police. Contact Ronanstown Garda Station at 01-6667700 or Bray Garda Station at 01-6665300. You can also call the Garda Confidential Line at 1800-666111 and share information without giving your name.