Family shares story of beloved Wendy, a school worker, and the care Treetops Hospice gave during her battle with cancer.

Sarah Joyce is Wendy’s daughter-in-law and is sharing their family’s story to help Treetops raise money. This supports other patients and families in need.
Sarah lives in Swanwick and remembers Treetops’ care. They really needed the nursing team and the nurses made life easier. Wendy got the care she needed at home.
Wendy was from Codnor and learned she had breast cancer in 2020. It happened during the Covid-19 pandemic and doctors thought the cancer could be cured. She had a mastectomy and then Wendy had chemo and radiotherapy. It was a painful journey, but Wendy fought bravely.
Sarah told how Wendy never complained and stayed positive, seeing the end. Wendy showed great strength and this was just her normal way, as she always stayed grounded.
Wendy was 72 and was a dinner lady, then later, Wendy was a teaching assistant. She worked at Codnor Primary School and after she retired, she cheered for her grandkids. She went to many athletic events.
Sarah saw the joy on Wendy’s face and it made her so happy to watch them. It didn’t matter if they won or lost, she was always proud of them. Wendy and Sarah were close, Wendy was like another mom, and she was the perfect mother-in-law. Sarah felt very lucky.
Wendy got the all-clear at one point, but then, in 2021, cancer showed up again. Now it was in her spine and also in other places.
This time doctors said it couldn’t be cured, but they could only try to help. Sarah said their world fell apart. They tried to stop the cancer from growing, but it didn’t work. There was nothing more to do.
In May 2022, the doctor said she had 6-12 months. They felt relieved in a way and hoped to make good memories together.
Wendy got worse quickly and by June, they knew the end was near. She wanted to go back to her family home in Codnor, near where she was born, which mattered a lot to her.
Sarah says they needed Treetops’ help because they needed care for Wendy, and the family also needed support. Treetops gave them both.
They found it hard to get carers right away and Wendy’s pain medicine wasn’t working well. They called Treetops just hours after a referral and nurses came within an hour. They gave her much-needed pain relief.
The nurses listened to them and said to call anytime with worries. They also said they were doing great, which was a relief to hear. You want to be a medical expert then, but the nurses took that pressure away. They are grateful forever.
Sarah can’t say enough about the nurses because they helped so much. The family rested, knowing Wendy was safe, and nurses were there to support them. They prepared them for what was coming and it’s hard until you live it yourself.
Wendy died with her family around her, with Richard and Stefan. This happened with Treetops Hospice helping.
Sarah’s family is helping Treetops because they want to give back. They are very proud to help and it’s important to share their story. Treetops helped Wendy and the family, and they hope others will give so the hospice can help more families then.
Treetops Hospice helps people by giving nursing care at the end of life for patients and families. They live in Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire and Treetops gives care and support. They help over 2,000 people each year and Treetops is located in Risley.