Soriah Barry, 27, died in an East London bus crash. Family remembers her as fierce and loyal. Police investigate the incident.

The crash involved a 308 bus, which police say was stationary near Clapton Road. It happened on Lea Bridge Road around 6:50 a.m. Soriah was rushed to a hospital, but sadly, she was pronounced dead that day. A witness heard a loud “bang” and watched as rescuers helped Soriah.
The witness said the bus driver seemed shocked. Floral tributes mark the accident site now. Soriah’s aunt started a GoFundMe page, which raised over £10,000 for funeral costs.
Her aunt described her as “full of life,” and the family seeks help with funeral expenses, hoping to honor Soriah properly.
A friend on Facebook felt “sick” from the loss, calling Soriah “selfless” and “special.” The friend said Soriah was taken too soon, adding that the loss is incomprehensible.
Police are investigating the crash and reported no other serious injuries. Detectives are asking witnesses to come forward and want to review any available footage. Transport for London is saddened by the death and sends condolences to Soriah’s family. They support the police and Stagecoach London in their investigation.
Anyone with information should call 101 or contact @MetCC on ‘X,’ quoting CAD1388/8Feb.